Monday, February 18, 2008


With my 5 year old son's alleries I have to wash his bedding pretty much on a daily basis. I remember when we first talked to his doctor about his issues and realized that I was in for a lot of house cleaning. To start we took all his blakets off his bed and vacummed his mattress as suggested. Oh my goodness, that was one of the scariest things I have ever seen. Having a bagless vacumm really showed us what was in the mattress. We quickly ran through the house and cleaned all the mattresses and bought mattress covers for all the beds. It is scary just the thought of what is in our mattresses and the thought of a bedbug in on of our beds is enought o keep our mattresses covered and cleaned on regular basis. How clean is your mattress? Good night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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