Sunday, September 14, 2008


About a month back while my sister and her kids were here camping at a nearby campground (they live 6 hours away) we spent a couple of days visiting with them. Well on the second day I decided to take the water trampoline to the lake with us and while all the excitement was going on I ran to the van to get my camera. Imagine me not taking any pictures lol! Anyway when I went to take the picture my flash button was gone and I wasn't able to take any pictures. I know I lost the button somewhere in the grass between the van and where we were sitting because it was there before we left the house because I was using the camera. Anyway the button is gone and I now have to use a thumb tack in the hole to take pictures. What a pain in the a$$ and considering I just spend just over $400 for this camera only 1 1/2 years ago I am a bit frustrated with the situation and nobody can seem to be able to fix my camera without sending it away so I now have my eye on a new pink Sony cyber shot camera and hopefully I will be able to get it in time for Christmas. We will see what happens! Yes hubby I know you are reading this HINT....HINT!


jenn said...

I need a new one, too. Mine is really old, and I want one that will take better pictures. I wonder if they make purple ones???

jenn said...

Oh, I just noticed you still have me as enjoying the ride over there...could you change it for me??? I'll love you forever! Well, I'll do that anyway! lol!