Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gas Again

I have heard on the news that gas will be going up .12 a Litre again tonight, the reason this time is because of the Hurricane Ike heading into Texas and interupting the flow of oil. I think they will find any excuse they can come up with to raise the prices again and again. All we ever here is the record profit, quarter after quarter that the big oil companies are making so why is that and why isn't our government stepping into stop the price gauging?


Milly said...

Every holiday gas goes up and if they can blame it on a disaster, they will. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.......
I think the poor man needs a good break or a loop hole like the rest of the rich do.

jenn said...

We stopped for gas and paid $3.39 yesterday morning. On the way to my sisters, we saw the price was up to $4.60! That's up $1.30 in less than a day! And most places were OUT OF GAS! I don't even want to know what they are today!