Thursday, May 15, 2008

Frontier(s) Nightmare

Sometimes in film making there will be a movie created that is so revoluninary in it's story telling and imagery that it makes you sit jaw dropped while your are watching. The terror so realistic you will find yourself cringing in absolute disbelief of what you are seeing before you. A movie in my opinion that has created such a stir was released at selected theatres only last week on May 9th for one week only was one of these movies, Frontier(s) a movie so bloody and violent it was forced to be labled as an unrated movie which limited it's release. I was able to watch the Trailer on-line and from what I was able to watch this movie appears to be setting the viewer up for one incredible rollercoaster ride of a movie. Around every inch of this movie is the most punishing violence and gore I have ever seen. A torturing inn keeper awaits our stars as they attempt to take refuge from the police in a peaceful in. I usually try to avoid violent movies but after seeing the trailer to this movie and knowing the controversy that it has created I find myself awaiting the dvd release which is supposed to be this week on May 13th. I will have to get the kiddies off to bed early and sit back on the couch and get ready to shock the socks off me.

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