Thursday, November 20, 2008


While I got my hair cut the other day at Walmart hubby got stalled down at the tv display, I originally thought he was dreaming of a new TV but I realized so that Blake had seen Wall-e playing on the screens and didn't want him to leave the area. They stayed there and watched the movie the whole time I was getting my hair cut. He was a little upset that we had to leave before it was over but he will no doubt get this movie for Christmas. Hubby brought him home a Wall-e poster they were giving away at his work last night and snuck in up on his wall while he was sleeping. He was so excited this morning when he got up and saw Wall-e hanging on his wall.

1 comment:

jenn said...

That is so sweet! We haven't seen that movie yet. I'm not sure my kids even want to...maybe getting a little too old :(