Monday, October 18, 2010

Spooky time

Halloween is coming and the kids have already planned their costumes out for the big night. I figure I will be working but I am going to try and get the weekend off if I can. Our oldest son thinks he is going to be going out with his friends, and will probably be an "army dude" again. Kohl had decided he wants to be "Bumble Bee" from the Transformers, Blake wants to be "Optimus Prime" also a Transformer and Trinity has been planning on being a "witch" since last Halloween so we will see if everything turns out and they get to be what they would like for the big night.

1 comment:

Shemah said...

my son wants to be Snake from Metal Gear Solid! But knowing my son, he changes his mind every 2 hours.. so we'll just have to wait and see! :)

Have a nice day! :)