Monday, September 1, 2008


The internet has opened up the way we do everything in our daily lives, we spend so much time now researching and buying items on line now compared to 5 years ago and think 10 years ago the thought of purchasing things on-line was something crazy. The newspaper classifieds was the option of choice for people trying to sell things. You would scan the classifieds daily for everything from tools, to bikes, to automobiles and houses. With online buy and sell sites gaining popularity there are new features available on sites like listasaurus that actually allow you to ad video to your selling ad. Think about it if you are trying to sell a home what better way then to do a virtual tour of the house and post it online. Selling your car, don't need just a picture take a tour through the whole vehical all four sides and even the trunk, if you had time to clean it out. LOL. Although the video auctions are fairly new they can certainly add detail to your ad and help you sell quickly. I'm sure in the near future you will see video classifieds at every avenue possible as the transfer of information becomes easier and easier with the access to internet and digital imaging. As if selling your items wasn't a good enough reason to list them on this video auction web-site you actually get paid to list auction items and classified ads.

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